
JEE Main Syllabus - Free Pdf Download

Mon, 13 Mar '23, 07:30
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The JEE Main Syllabus consists of three subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Here is a brief overview of the topics covered in each subject:

BPSC Geography Syllabus 2023

Mon, 13 Mar '23, 07:22
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he BPSC syllabus may be updated from time to time, so it's always best to refer to the official website for the latest information.

CMAT Syllabus

Sun, 12 Mar '23, 17:41
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The CMAT exam consists of four sections, each carrying 25 questions. The total duration of the exam is 180 minutes. Here's a detailed section-wise syllabus for the CMAT exam.

UPSC Syllabus

Sat, 11 Mar '23, 16:25

The UPSC Syllabus includes General Studies, Essay Writing, Indian Heritage, Governance, Technology, Ethics, and Optional Subject Papers. The Personality Test assesses the candidate's overall suitability for a career in civil services.


Sat, 11 Mar '23, 16:25

BPSC Syllabus includes General Studies, Hindi/English language, Engineering/Law subjects, and Optional Papers. Exam topics include history, geography, polity, economy, science, and current affairs.

CDPO Syllabus

Sat, 11 Mar '23, 16:25

CDPO Syllabus includes General Knowledge, General Science, General English/Hindi, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Child Development and Pedagogy, Nutrition and Health, Social Welfare Schemes and Policies, and Management and Communication Skills.

IIT Syllabus

Sat, 11 Mar '23, 16:24

IIT Syllabus includes Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, and General Awareness. Topics cover mechanics, electricity and magnetism, algebra, trigonometry, comprehension, history, economics, and current affairs.